Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Akaroa, New Zealand: Rolling hills and turquoise oceans

Ah the French.  Leave it to them to start a settlement surrounded by mountains (or at least, the port hills).  We visited Akaroa yesterday and spent the night, it's a town of maybe 200 or 300 people, nestled between rolling green hills and a turquoise blue ocean. 

Overlooking Akaroa
The drive to Akaroa was 2 or 3 hours long, although only a 100 km or so.  It brought us through some of the most twisted roads - of course, this in a country where guard rails have yet to be discovered.  Sheep were common place, as well as the occasional cow and goat.  Standard Amy & Kevin style, we stopped frequently - including the Hilltop cafe where the above photo was taken.

We spent the night at a Top 10 Motor camp, fun place.  Met a number of travelers, including a family of 4 who were four months into a year long, around the world, journey.  A number of younger folk as well, including infants and toddlers, which is always a nice reminder that we're not crazy ;)

Tomorrow we're off to Lake Tekapo, "one of the most spectacular high skies in the world"

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