Saturday, November 13, 2010

Billy Browns!

We visited Dunedin, for about 10 minutes.  Then we decided we didn't need any more hustle & bustle found in the big city (100,000).  So we headed to Port Chalmers - where you'll find maybe 1000 town folk.  Much easier on the head.

The hostel, Billy Brown's Backpackers, is located on top of a crazy steep hill, surrounded by short green grass and sheep.  Lots of sheep.  The hostel is rustic, but new.  Very well built, with a great living room, kitchen and a simple but very effective wood fireplace.  In short, it was so nice we decided to stay a second night.  That, and we have the place to ourself.  Oh, did I mention - 270 degree views of ocean?  :)

My health is returning nicely - this morning I felt well enough to try a little trail run, maybe 2 km in length.  Out to the two trees and back.  Was light headed for the first .5km, but the wind, sun & fresh air did wonders.  Although weaker than I'd normally care to admit, the run was amazing.  No trail, just green grass cut by sheep.  And views to kill. 

Tomorrow I try 5km.  And I'm really, really looking forward to it.

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