Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Remarkable Queenstown (Food!)

The trip from Makaroa to Queenstown was supposed to be rather quick, but we took the milk run.  I can't say it was intentional, just missed the turn off and ended up on a smaller, less traveled road.  Not that I'm complaining!

When the speed limit says 100 km / h, and there is a sign immediately below it, posted for 25 km / h, you know you're in for a fun trip.  New Zealand is quite possibly the only place where the speed limit isn't actually achievable.  If you're going that fast, you're not going to make it around all of the twists and turns and ups and downs.

After twisting and turning, along with switchbacking up & down at least one pass, we hit fog so think you couldn't actually see the width of the street.   Well, technically, it wasn't fog.  It was just a low lying cloud that we climbed up into.  Same effect though.   

Anyways, I say all this with one purpose - the road to Queenstown was amazing.  And lined with either sheep, or shear cliffs of which we couldn't see the bottom.  Either way, amazing…  :)

Queenstown itself was interesting.  Known as the adrenaline capitol of the world - it's home to bungee jumping - it's a place where defying gravity is the norm.  So we decided to go for a hike, figuring walking uphill was about all the gravity defying we wanted to do.  One bonus though - we hiked to the top of a gondola run and took it back down - no one checks for tickets at the top and we thought it made for a better all-around experience!  

Now, just a moment on lunch.  Of course I like food, but in efforts to keep costs low lunch has typically been a PB & Jam sandwich.  Today however, we splurged.  We had a Fergsburger.   Amy went with the classic, I had a hard time deciding between lamby and bambi.  Went with lamby, and *man*, I was not disappointed!  Fergsburger was perhaps one of the most amazing hamburgers I've ever had.  Yum.  Will cover dessert later...

The town, really is party central.  Ethan fit right in - at 7 months he's a little young, but he fit in well with the girls…and the Japanese tourists who liked to take their photo with him…  While I don't care for the party central aspects, I still have to recommend the place.  It's geographic location, on the edge of a lake, boxed in on one side with the remarkable mountain range, and on the other with other mountains I can't remember, was … well, incredible!  

Lastly, there was dessert.  In the town harbour, on a lake that's crystal clear, we enjoyed a little chocolate and ice cream from Patagonia, a local dessert place . I kid you not - they probably have the best ice cream I've ever had (marzcapone and fruit of the forest & Argentinean caramel flavours- yum).   It helps that the sun was setting behind a crazy beautiful mountain range, behind a crazy beautiful lake, and I had my amazingly beautiful wife next to me ;)

1 comment:

Helen said...

Hope neither of you bungee jumped!
Sounds just spectacular!!!
You made me drool over the ice cream. Hope Ethan had a taste.
Luvs ya all xoxoxo