Monday, November 15, 2010

Farming Mt. Aspire National Park

Today we've begun our woof experience a fruit tree / berry / nut farm.  Actually the farm is somewhat general purpose - with a little something for everyone it would seem.  It's amazing how quickie 4 hours of manual labour passes, it's really little more than enough time to pass between snacks.  

What makes today so great though, is that I feel good again.  Two days ago I did a 2km trail run, and yesterday I did roughly the same only in a windstorm.  But by mid morning I was feeling horrible and my cough had returned.  It seems that a post-chest infection / chronic cough isn't to be mixed with running, according to the family medical professional.  After several naps yesterday, and a long sleep last night, I work feeling nearly recharged.  So I did the natural thing - manual labour.  Just not the kind that gets the heart rate up or lungs burning.

Today / tomorrow we'll be putting netting over blueberry bushes, to keep the birds off.  Means digging a handful of fence posts today and running wires and netting tomorrow.  Honestly, for three great meals it's a good trade.  

Oh, and did I mention - we're located in the middle of the Mt. Aspiring national park?  :)

1 comment:

Helen said...

Quit the running for awhile and give yourself time to get well! Working on the farm will be enough for you to do for awhile :). Relax and I will run with you when you get here for Christmas but only if you relax now! Lol. If you aren't well when you get here no running :)
Don't eat to many blueberries when you put the netting over them.
How are Amy and Ethan doing? Who looks after Ethan when you work?
Stay well son and enjoy your time with your family
Love to you all xoxoxo