Thursday, November 4, 2010

Christchurch and Fruitcake

Well, we arrived safely in Christchurch, New Zealand yesterday.  Our three pieces of luggage were a little delayed, but they shoed up tonight, no biggie.

Took it easy today - trying to get over a cold I got in travels.  Went to a local library for a 'story time', a kid's program.  This afternoon's agenda however, was incredible, and finished with a great hike on a local beach.  Before that?  Tea time (& fruit cake).  What time is tea time I asked Sue at one point in the day - why, it's after nap time she responded.  Yup - lunch, snack, nap, tea time & a hike on the beach.  Dinner's in there somewhere...

Here's my favorite part so far:  Christchurch is so british that within 4 hours of arriving we had enjoyed a little tea & fruitcake.  Yum.

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